Begin Again

Hello again, coming from the Ozarks! So, I need to first off say that I am so sorry that it has been as long as it has since I have posted. To be honest with you, I have had to take some time and try to get through some things and create some new places in my day to day life. This has been a growing season for me and for my family that has taken my full attention. Thankfully, I am back! I look forward to this new season and all that I feel I have to share with you!

Now it is time to catch you up! My beautiful baby girl is a full 1 year old and is a walking, talking mess! It has been such a miracle to watch her grow and become her own person. She is learning new things by leaps and bounds and I think that she will potty train early. Her favorite food is hands down bananas and she loves nothing more than to be outside with the chickens and the dogs.

Speaking of the chickens, we have lost a total of 3 to various wildlife around the land but we still have our 10 that are doing wonderful. We have 2 roosters that go by Shanticlare and Tyson, our three black sex-links names are the Twisted Sisters, our 3 Bantums go by Bertha, Gussie, and Martha, and last but not least our Easter Eggers are Perdida and Tiger Lily. We absolutely love these chickens!

I have been in school, for the second time in my life, since August. This alone has taken most of my time, since this has been a huge adjustment for my family. The best thing though is that I love my classes. Thankfully they have not been too hard but I am going to take it a little slower than I had originally planned. My husband is set to graduate in the spring and I could not be more proud of him!

The family as a whole has been doing wonderful and we are looking forward to the holidays that are coming up. There is nothing we value more than time spent with family.

Now, for the very core of my existence, I have to say that God has been doing some changing in my life over the last few months. I have dedicated more of my time to the things of him and more of my time has been spent in his word and listening to his workers teaching. I encourage you to add even more time spent with God to your day, it will make such a difference in your life.

Well, that is all I am going to say for now but keep watch for pictures to come and more of our funny life stories! Be blessed and keep God close to you today!


One response to “Begin Again”


    I love your post. You and your family are beautiful and I am glad to know you. I agree with your core stay close to God. Seek the kingdom first and the rest will be added to you Mathew 6:33. Have a blessed day and remember God loves you. 😉


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About Me

My name is Alle and I am a small town country girl who lives in an equally small town in the south. I am married to a former marine who puts up with my loony antics, we have 2 beautiful daughters we would do anything for, and we live on a modest homestead specializing in as organic as possible animals and produce.

I started a blog in hopes of reaching people with the thoughts rolling around in my head and the words that the Lord shares with my heart. Some days it may be crazy animals, and others may be a heartfelt confession. Either way, I hope my words are able to bring a smile or touch a heart that needs whatever I can offer.

You can follow our farm page on Facebook and you can email us at
