
I am severely allergic to those pretty yellow Easter Lilies that signal the beginning of spring around my home. I absolutely love to look at them and they make my heart light after the long, cold days of winter. But, bring them in the house and I will have breathing issues and allergy headaches to almost cripple me.

Then my girls see them. They find no greater joy than to pick huge bouquets to bring in the house to enjoy. They even picked some to hand out at church last week, gaining them the nickname “flower girls” from all the people that attend on Wednesday nights.

I simply cannot and will not tell them no to these flowers. It makes my heart full to see the excitement they have over something that brings so much joy to so many people. For their sake, I take extra allergy meds and love on them and their flowers.

What they don’t know yet is that I will forever cherish the sight of them and the flowers they so enjoy. I don’t care the pain of the headache because their loving and generous heart is what I want to grow in them. These girls that God has trusted me with are special beyond measure. Even when my oldest has been stubborn and refuses to do her school work or my youngest will not go to the bathroom anywhere but her diaper. I know that the Lord has given me such a wonderful gift, being their momma.

What they may not know is that their very existence has been one of the main reasons for many of my life’s changes. The move to a 5th wheel trailer on 55 acres? Completely for them to have the life I know God has in store for them. Homeschooling? So I can guard their hearts from the evil that is overtaking the world around us.

Church? To make sure they know the One who loves them more that I can even fathom. My greatest responsibility is to live in such a way that I constantly turn their eyes to the creator of the universe. His love for us is absolute. I pray that I can fulfill the greatest calling on my life I will ever have, being the God centered momma my girls need.

So take the meds and hold the flowers close to your heart.

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About Me

My name is Alle and I am a small town country girl who lives in an equally small town in the south. I am married to a former marine who puts up with my loony antics, we have 2 beautiful daughters we would do anything for, and we live on a modest homestead specializing in as organic as possible animals and produce.

I started a blog in hopes of reaching people with the thoughts rolling around in my head and the words that the Lord shares with my heart. Some days it may be crazy animals, and others may be a heartfelt confession. Either way, I hope my words are able to bring a smile or touch a heart that needs whatever I can offer.

You can follow our farm page on Facebook fb.me/mandbfarms2016 and you can email us at mandbfarms2016@gmail.com.
