Yay 2024! Here we come!!!

Whew, we finally made it to the new year! I for one am pretty excited for all that this year will be bringing to my family. We have already went through the hardest change by having to move but we are so happy on our farm. And, I have to say, RV living isn’t that bad. I still miss a house, though.

Our young goat, Blonde, has finally went into heat fully for the first time so she will be making a trip to see her man friend this week. I really am looking forward to babies this spring from her and her momma.

We are on the hunt for a milk cow, a donkey or 2, and possible some hogs to add to the animals this spring. Not to mention the horses we are looking for that will be ridden by myself and my girls. Oh, and don’t forget the new chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys we will be ordering in the spring as well. Man, are we going to be busy!

I can honestly say that I have not been at peace like this in a long time. Even with stuff still needing to be done and the eventual house that needs to be built, I have the peace that only comes from God. I have never been more grateful for his insistence that we move away from where we were. He had so much more for us and we are finally seeing it for what he wants, not what we want.

While we are busy working on cleaning up the area around our RV, we area also planning on the repairs and upgrades we will be making to the outbuildings for our animals. Then we should be ready to turn our attention to the garden area we will need. I have been so blessed with the old house that is still in decent enough shape that I can use it for my canning and meat processing. Not to mention all the storage that the house will give me.

While life has changed so much, there is so much that has remained the same. The homestead may look different than it did when I was younger, but the feeling here has never changed. I feel at home. I feel loved. I feel blessed.

Happy New Year!!!

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About Me

My name is Alle and I am a small town country girl who lives in an equally small town in the south. I am married to a former marine who puts up with my loony antics, we have 2 beautiful daughters we would do anything for, and we live on a modest homestead specializing in as organic as possible animals and produce.

I started a blog in hopes of reaching people with the thoughts rolling around in my head and the words that the Lord shares with my heart. Some days it may be crazy animals, and others may be a heartfelt confession. Either way, I hope my words are able to bring a smile or touch a heart that needs whatever I can offer.

You can follow our farm page on Facebook fb.me/mandbfarms2016 and you can email us at mandbfarms2016@gmail.com.
