Day 1

Well, I officially went and talked to the local college about earning a masters degree. What do I want to major in? No clue. To top it all off, my chicks are growing so fast that I am trying to get the pen done as quickly as possible to be able to move them to it. I also work for a small business that I thought would take just a little time out of my week, but I have been blessed so that my small business is steadily growing and I am finding myself a little bit more busy than I would have originally thought. This is wonderful, because I love the products that I sell, and now I am sharing them more and more with other people. The Lord is truly blessing me. I will also get to plant my garden in the next week! I cannot wait to get my bare feet in that wonderful cool soil and watch life happen right in front of me! I know I am a little crazy when it comes to plants and animals, but what can you expect from a country girl like me?

My husband and father have been on the mission to catch the White Bass that run at this time every year. The best place to catch them is not far from our home but there is only about 2 weeks that they are “running” so they have been going every weekend to see if they  can catch a few. There was always this story told about my Papa and his friend going to this fishing hole. He was part Cherokee Indian, so he had his own way of doing things. He would wade out into the middle of the water and have his friend drive the boat over next to him and he would catch and toss the fish into the boat by hand. He was a wonderful person that I still miss very much.

The biggest blessing is that now I have the opportunity to earn a masters degree and then move toward teaching college online. Not many people see the blessing in this, but the reality is that I will be able to earn an income to help support my family and I will also be able to stay home with my children. The world has changed so much since I was in school and the things that I faced were nothing compared to what my children will face if they attend public school. I am just not okay with what the world wants my children to believe. I want them only influenced by Godly people who are truly living the word of God, not some watered down version that has been changed to fit their current mood or choice of lifestyle. I want my kids to grow up not knowing foul language or anything to do with the sex-crazed world that we live in. I want them to have a Godly upbringing and become adults that know nothing but church and the things of God. Is that too much to ask?

For some people in this world, and even in my life, that is so out of the ordinary that I face a constant battle to guard my children’s hearts against the ungodly things that try to steal a child’s innocence. This is one of the greatest things that a parent can do for their child is to help them stay children for as long as you can. The greatest calling on a parents life is for the parent to raise up godly children that will devote their lives to serving God. I want to honor this call as best I can.

I am counting down the days till our vacation to the ocean. We haven’t been in over 4 years and I have missed the smell of the salt water and the feeling of the sand between my toes so much! My daughter will get to see the ocean for the first time but she will be too little to remember it but I will have pictures to show her when she gets older.

Growing up is hard for everyone. This is even more true when it comes to adults that have to do the biggest growing up later on in life. I am so thankful for God’s patience with me!

“God, you are such a good, good Father. Thank you for loving me through all of my mess and keeping me close to you when I get distracted by the crazy of this world. I know that you will always direct my steps as long as I honor you and seek you first. Help me to see the world through your eyes and love how you love.” 


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About Me

My name is Alle and I am a small town country girl who lives in an equally small town in the south. I am married to a former marine who puts up with my loony antics, we have 2 beautiful daughters we would do anything for, and we live on a modest homestead specializing in as organic as possible animals and produce.

I started a blog in hopes of reaching people with the thoughts rolling around in my head and the words that the Lord shares with my heart. Some days it may be crazy animals, and others may be a heartfelt confession. Either way, I hope my words are able to bring a smile or touch a heart that needs whatever I can offer.

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